
January 21, 2013

6 Years

This week 6 years ago I met a funny Dutch guy in a snow-covered town in Finland. Each day since has been a dream. While we first started off as exchange students with a crush on each other, it instantly evolved into love that endured across the globe and eventually led to my move to Amsterdam, countless memories, crazy holidays together and realizing that we couldn't live without each other (well that realization happened almost 6 years ago too! We knew early on). 

While this week is our week (we never really set an anniversary date)...this year is also our year. In 9 short months, we will be getting married!

I'm very lucky to be able to spend my life with this guy :).

Here's a small trip down memory lane...

{Sledding in Lappeenranta, Finland, where we were exchange students in 2007}
{Our first weekend trip together to Helsinki}
{Croatian island-hopping in 2012}
{Weekend stroll around Amsterdam a few months ago}


  1. This is so SO lovely. Congratulations :) All the best to you and your fiancé x

  2. happy anniversary lovebirds! I truly can't wait to see you guys tie the knot in Mexico!! It's going to be epic!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Such an adorable couple!

  4. You guys are too cute! So happy we have gotten to know you as a couple and friends. Happy Anniversary week! xxx

  5. GORG lookin' couple!!! Happy Annie to you and your man!
