Yesterday, Christian and I were listing all of the places we want to go to one day. As we sat there, I also day-dreamed about where would I return to? If I had to pick one destination to go back to, what would it be?
Amsterdam is always my favorite city (both before and after
I moved here!). And I definitely love mornings when I wake up with Christian curled next to me and Jack the cat curled on the other side.
Mljet, Croatia, is without a doubt the most magical, pristine place I’ve ever been.
The beaches of Southern California are home and held countless memories of beach days, bonfires, sunsets and,
most recently, where Christian proposed.
But no matter where I travel to…my mind always reverts back
to one spot…a quiet stretch of coastline between La Paz and Cabo San Lucas,
Mexico. My parents vacationed here since before I was born and by the time my
sis and I were 4 years old, we played in the water here for years and years. It’s
the site of my dad, uncle and brothers annual fishing trips, where my dad
celebrated his 50th birthday, where my brother proposed to his wife,
where several friends and I, over a matter of years, escaped to this quiet Mexican
village for tanning, swimming and endless pina coladas and where I would wake
up in the morning and see my dad looking out over the ocean enjoying the sunrise
with a cup of coffee in hand every single morning.
The calm water changes from turquoise to deep blue, the people
are extremely friendly, the local spot in town has the best enchiladas on the planet and it’s in this place that Christian and I will get
married next year surrounded by our family and friends :)!
If you had to return back to ONE DESTINATION again, where would you go?